All Aboout Alan Cannon - Realtor

All About Alan Cannon Our Area's Colleges and Universities Maps of South Carolina and Anderson
     I am a native Andersonian. I attended the public schools and graduated from Anderson Boys High School in 1950. I started Clemson College (now Clemson University) in the fall of that year. I graduated Clemson with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1954. Clemson College was a military school in those days, so upon graduation, I received my commission as a 2nd Lieutenant and was immediately ordered to Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, where I attended the Signal school. I was sent overseas to Germany where I served with the 97th Signal Battalion in support of 7th Army Headquarters in Stuttgart. About a year later, I was ordered to Koblenz, Germany, as commander of the detachment that provided communications between the 2nd French Corps and 7th U.S. Army. I received my honorable discharge from the army in 1957.

      Upon my return to Anderson, I was employed in my family's wholesale sporting goods business. In February of 1958, I married the former Alice Woodson, who is also from Anderson. She attended the University of Georgia's School of Journalism while I was away. We were married after her graduation. While there, she pledged ADPi and served as its president her senior year. We have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl: Alan Jr., who is employed by Liberty Corporation in Greenville; Richard, who lives in Anderson and owns and operates Ionosphere Travel Agency; and our only daughter, Lynn, who lives with her husband in Winchester, Virginia. I have 4 granchildren, 2 boys and 2 girls, and a 5th one due this year.

      When I sold the family business in 1982, I went into real estate, which was always a second love of mine. I have been fortunate. I teamed up with my present partners and the rest is history. Incidentally, I am a life member of the MILLION DOLLAR CLUB.
Anderson Area Properties
1638 North Main Street
Anderson, SC 29621
(864) 226-0220
(Fax) 225-7496